Resonance Audio Integration

To integrate with Resonance Audio, you must perform a couple steps:

  1. Move the Resonance Audio folder from Assets into Assets/Plugins.
  2. You will also need to the move the Editor folder from Assets/Plugins/Resonance Audio into Assets/Plugins. I suggest renaming the source "Editor" folder to "Resonance Audio" then moving it into Assets/Plugins/Editor.
  3. Install the package MA_ResonanceAudio in the 3rd Party Plugin Integration folder.
  4. Select your VR Settings in Advanced Settings.

You may notice occasional warnings logged to the Console about the Unity mixer that the Audio Sources are assigned to, but you can ignore those. In fact I suggest you comment out that warning in the Resonance Audio source code. Master Audio will take care of assigning the buses to Unity Mixer channels at runtime as long as you have assigned them in the Master Audio Mixer.