Playmaker Integration

When Event Sounds doesn't do exactly what you need, and you're not a coder, you can use Playmaker to hook up game logic to Master Audio. We include the optional MA_PlaymakerActionsAndScene package so that you don't have to write any code to integrate with Playmaker. There are 55 Custom Actions included (found under the Master Audio category when browsing for Custom Actions in Playmaker). These should cover every method you would need to call manually. Also included is a *very* simple scene with a PlaySound FSM set up. The Custom Actions are explained here by category. Click on the links below to read more about each.

Bus Actions

The following actions operate on a chosen Bus.

  1. Master Audio Bus Fade: This will fade a Bus to a specified volume over X seconds.
  3. Master Audio Bus Get Props: This gets 7 different properties from a Bus and stores them into variables.
  5. Master Audio Bus Mute: This will mute a Bus.
  7. Master Audio Bus Pause: This will pause all currently playing Variations in Sound Groups assigned to a chosen Bus.
  9. Master Audio Bus Set Volume: This will set the volume of a Bus.
  11. Master Audio Bus Solo: This will solo a Bus.
  13. Master Audio Bus Stop: This will will perform Stop All Of Sound on all Sound Groups assigned to a chosen Bus.
  15. Master Audio Bus Unmute: This will unmute all currently playing Variations in Sound Groups assigned to a chosen Bus.
  17. Master Audio Bus Unpause: This will unpause all currently paused Variations in Sound Groups assigned to a chosen Bus.
  19. Master Audio Bus Unsolo: This will unsolo a Bus.

Ducking Actions

The following actions can manipulate Ducking settings.

  1. Master Audio Ducking Add Group: This will add a Duck Group to the Master Audio game object.
  3. Master Audio Ducking Remove Group: This will remove a Duck Group from the Master Audio game object.
  5. Master Audio Ducking Toggle: This will turn the Ducking feature on or off as a toggle.

Everything Actions

The following actions can manipulate Global Settings.

  1. Master Audio Everything Mute: This will mute all sound effects and music. This is the same as turning on the 2 "M" icons at the top of the Master Audio game object.
  3. Master Audio Everything Pause: This does Master Audio Mixer Pause and also pauses all Playlist Controllers. All audio will be paused.
  5. Master Audio Everything Stop: This does Master Audio Mixer Stop and also stops all Playlist Controllers. All audio will be stopped.
  7. Master Audio Everything Unpause: This performs Master Audio Mixer Unpause and also unpauses all Playlist Controllers. All audio will be unpaused.
  9. Master Audio Everything Unmute: This unmutes all Sound Groups in the Group Mixer, and also unmutes all Playlist Controllers.
  11. Master Audio Mixer Pause: This will pause all currently playing Variations in all Sound Groups in the Group Mixer.
  13. Master Audio Mixer Stop: This performs Stop All Of Sound on all Sound Groups in the Group Mixer.
  15. Master Audio Mixer Unpause: This will unpause all currently paused Variations in all Sound Groups in the Group Mixer.
  17. Master Audio Set Master Volume: This will set the Master Mixer Volume.

Custom Event Actions

The following actions deal with Custom Events.

  1. Master Audio Fire Custom Action: This will fire the Custom Event you specify, and all Custom Event Receivers (Event Sounds can be used for this) in the Scene that are configured to receive the event will respond.

Sound Group Actions

The following actions operate on Sound Groups or Variations.

  1. Master Audio Play Sound: Plays a Sound Group. There are several options here for specific Variation to play, delay, pitch, etc.
  3. Master Audio Play Sound With Event: Plays a Sound Group. There are several options here for specific Variation to play, delay, pitch, etc. This action also gives you the option to fire an event inside the FSM after the sound finishes playing.
  5. Master Audio Fade Out All Of Sound: This will completely fade out the volume of a chosen Sound Group to a value you specify, over a period of X seconds.
  7. Master Audio Group Fade: This will fade the volume of a chosen Sound Group to a value you specify, over a period of X seconds.
  9. Master Audio Group Is Playing: This will tell you whether a specific Sound Group has any voices playing.
  11. Master Audio Group Mute: This will mute a chosen Sound Group.
  13. Master Audio Group Pause: This will pause all currently playing Variations in a chosen Sound Group.
  15. Master Audio Group Set Pitch: Sets the pitch of all Variations (or a named Variation) to a pitch you specify.
  17. Master Audio Group Set Volume: Sets the volume of a chosen Sound Group.
  19. Master Audio Group Solo: This will solo a chosen Sound Group.
  21. Master Audio Group Toggle Mute: This will toggle the mute status of a chosen Sound Group.
  23. Master Audio Group Toggle Solo: This will toggle the solo status of a chosen Sound Group.
  25. Master Audio Group Unmute: This will unmute a chosen Sound Group.
  27. Master Audio Group Unpause: This will unpause all currently paused Variations in a chosen Sound Group.
  29. Master Audio Group Unsolo: This will unsolo a chosen Sound Group.
  31. Master Audio Stop All Of Sound: This will stop all currently playing Variations in a chosen Sound Group.
  33. Master Audio Stop Transform Sound: This will stop all currently playing Variations of a chosen Sound Group (or all Sound Groups, optionally) that were triggered by this game object.
  35. Master Audio Variation Get Props: This gets 4 different properties from a Variation and store them into variables.

Playlist Actions

The following actions operate on Playlists and Playlist Controllers.

  1. Master Audio Playlist Clip By Name: This will play a song of your choice (by name or Alias) from the current Playlist in a chosen Playlist Controller.
  3. Master Audio Playlist Clip Next: This will play the next song from the current Playlist in a chosen Playlist Controller.
  5. Master Audio Playlist Clip Random: This will play a random song from the current Playlist in a chosen Playlist Controller.
  7. Master Audio Playlist Controller Get Props: This gets 3 different properties from a Playlist Controller and stores them into variables.
  9. Master Audio Playlist Fade: This will fade the volume of a chosen Playlist Controller to a value you specify, over a period of X seconds.
  11. Master Audio Playlist Get Current Clip Name: This will get the name of the current song playing in a Playlist Controller.
  13. Master Audio Playlist Mute: This will mute a chosen Playlist Controller.
  15. Master Audio Playlist Pause: This will pause a Playlist Controller.
  17. Master Audio Playlist Set Volume: This will set the volume of a chosen Playlist Controller to a value you specify.
  19. Master Audio Playlist Start By Name: This will start or restart the Playlist in a chosen Playlist Controller.
  21. Master Audio Playlist Stop: This will stop the Playlist in a chosen Playlist Controller.
  23. Master Audio Playlist Toggle Mute: This will toggle the mute status of a chosen Playlist Controller.
  25. Master Audio Playlist Unmute: This will unmute a chosen Playlist Controller.
  27. Master Audio Playlist Unpause: This will unpause a chosen Playlist Controller.
  29. Master Audio Change Playlist: This will load a new Playlist into a Playlist Controller.