How to create your first Sound Effect

  1. Launch the Master Audio Manager window from the Unity Window menu: select Master Audio -> Master Audio Manager.
  3. Click the 'Create' button on the Master Audio prefab row. This will create a Master Audio game object in the Scene.
  5. Locate and select the Master Audio game object in the Scene. Go down to the Group Mixer section.
  7. Notice the field above called "Audio Origin". We are using the default mode of Clip, but there are other modes that deal with memory usage and location of audio files that you can read about here. Now, find an audio file in your project and drag it into the yellow area labeled "Drag Audio clips here to create Groups!".
  9. Now you have created a Sound Group! It is the basic unit of sound effects in Master Audio. Notice the row in the Group Mixer section below with the label "Scream", which is the name of the Audio Clip I dragged in. Your may differ.
  11. You can click the speaker icon on the row to preview the Sound Group.
  13. To play this sound effect at runtime, read these pages as well:
Continue with the next Quick Start, How to create your first sound effect with Variations!