How to create your first Sound Effect with variations

This continues from where we left off with How to create your first Sound Effect. Make sure you've done those steps first.

  1. Click the gear icon on the Mixer row for "Scream" to go to the Sound Group's settings. The Group's Inspector is shown below.
  3. Drag another Audio Clip into the yellow box labeled "Drag Audio clips here to create Variations". This Audio Clip will become your 2nd Variation of this Sound Group.
  5. Find the "Voices / Weight" field of your topmost Variation and set it to 3 instead of the default of 1 (default shown below). This will mean that the topmost Variation will be played 3 times as often as the other (since it has a weight of 1). It also means that the topmost Variation can be played up to 3 times at onces, and the other can only be played once.
  7. Every time you play this Sound Group, it will play one of the Variations. In this case, since you have Variation Sequence selected as "Randomized", it will play a random Variation. As soon as 3 of Variation A and 1 of Variation B have been played, the random pool will refill and the process will start over.
  9. To play this sound effect at runtime, read these pages as well:
Continue with the next Quick Start, How to create a sound effect using Addressables!