Prefab Selection

Several places in Core GameKit contain sections where you select prefabs and assets used for certain functionality, using a common UI. You will also be prompted to add the asset to Pool Boss if it's not configured there already. This page details how to use these features.

Shown below is a section to select a prefab for a Triggered Spawner to spawn.



There are 2 approaches you can use here, depending on whether the asset you are wanting to use is already configured in Pool Boss or not.

  1. You can use the dropdown to change the Prefab Source, then drag the desired prefab or Addressable in from Project View. If it's not configured in Pool Boss, you will then see another section to quickly add it without leaving the Inspector, shown later on this page.
  3. You can click the green hand icon, and select the prefab or Addressable if you've already configured it in Pool Boss. You will see a section like this below, where you can select the prefab from Pool Boss using the Category and Item dropdown - whether it's a prefab or Addressable doesn't matter here. After choosing the asset, click the Confirm button, or the X to abort and return to the previous view.


Once you have selected your prefab, you may see a section like this if you haven't previously set it up in Pool Boss. You may use it to quickly add it to Pool Boss as long as the Category you want has been created beforehand.